TED NewsDesk. LUCKNOW. Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh on Thursday introduces an all-inclusive web portal, U-Rise. The portal will help students gain knowledge, get vocational guidance and ultimately get employment opportunities in the state.
The study material, the online library and online educational programmes will be available to students in every region of the state, however remote. Almost 20 lakh students, as well as technologically adept professionals, will profit from the courses by receiving professional and technological training.
In his address during the launch, Yogi informed that the portal is one of the segments of the second stage of the Deen Dayal Upadhyay Qualitative Reforms programme started in 2017 to enhance the condition of technical colleges and institutes.
The Chief Minister kickstarted many new plans while inaugurating the Unified Re-imagined Innovation for Students Empowerment (U- Rise) web portal.
The portal, developed by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, is a shared project of the department for technical education, training and employment department and the expertise enhancement mission.
Following the National Education Policy 2020, according to Yogi, this project is the most significant improvement in the education industry. He lauded the project as a connecting point between students and professional and technical education. He also said that besides implementing the NEP, his state is the pioneer in launching an all-inclusive platform.
He commented that if the technology were not so advanced, COVID-19 would have proven to be a considerable challenge. The UP government is utilising technology to pinpoint, follow and take necessary measures against fraudulent teachers with fake degree certificates.
The coming together of educators, patrons and scholars via U-Rise will prove to be profitable for the students. It will strengthen their knowledge by presenting with useful data on online examinations, online subject matter, online evaluation, online examination question papers, web conferences, internships, digital library, video and audio study material and job availability.
Yogi also provided 100 crores for the intermediate phase of the Deendayal Upadhyay Quality Improvement Programme. The disbursement of funds will enhance the online and offline framework of the education sector in UP. An educational reserve of credit will take into account all the academic credits from universities and colleges. The educational reserve will work under the NEP.