TED NewsDesk, Lucknow: Amidst the ongoing COVID scenario, quite a few students are facing issues pertaining to online lectures and study material. Owing to it, the Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Board (UPSEB) has launched virtual classes on Swayamprabha channel and nationwide broadcaster Doordarshan for those who can’t afford online classes. Meanwhile, the student can also study the chapters from the YouTube that have been shared already in the Diksha portal. Along with this, they facilitate offline students with a Dropbox option, where study material would be sent to them. And, once a week they are allowed to submit their answer sheets in the drop-box placed in the school premises.
This was brought into practice from 18th August, and will be a part of 20-21 academic calendar for students of standard 9 to 12, as per the UPSEB circular. According to the circular released on 13th August by Uttar Pradesh government, the examination may or may not be held online or offline, depending upon the Covid-19 guidelines and situation at the time.
This development has come as a wave of relief for students who not were not unable to attend online classes due to some reasons, as they can now learn from television. Along with it, they can also come to the schools to receive and submit their study material and answer sheet respectively, upon premediated duration.