Every successful person has a knack of reading like there’s no tomorrow and Barack Obama is no different. A person might think that the former president of the United States might not have enough time to read during his presidency tenure but the president’s office do get lonely at time and the best thing you can do while being alone is entangle yourself with a good book. Obama has always said that books are a medium to slow things down and get deeper perspective of things going around you. He credits books a lot in shaping his thought process and his career.

Here are 5 books that Barack Obama thinks everyone should read:
This book is widely considered as the first book on modern economics which introduced many concepts that lay the foundation of capitalism that we know it as of today. it started as lectures and then the writings became the first collected sample on what build a nation’s wealth. The book explains in detail how and why the division of labour is key to nation’s prosperity. The book also deals with the concept of money, salary, rent, stocks and profits

2. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
This book is the highlight of the author’s career. It is an ideal novel of the jazz era which has been praised by many generations of readers. The book tells the story of J. Gatsby, who fell in love with a beautiful rich girl. However his poor financial circumstances prevented them from being together. He later managed to amass a great fortune which allowed him to through lavish parties constantly to prove that he belongs to the upper class. But unable to let go of his past, he met his end in a dejected way. The book tells that if you achieve your crimes in an unjust way, it will definitely catch up to you.

3. The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi
This memoir accounts how Gandhi developed his concept of non violent resistance against racism and colonialism, which gained him a lot of appreciation around the world. The major highlight of Gandhi’s struggle in the Indian Independence movement is that he never deviated from his path of truth and non violence. His fierce opinion regarding his ideology made him an icon for every person who values freedom.

4. Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
This book represents a perfect contradiction of elements of a black’s life in America in the 1930s. The main character of the book, Macon “Milkman” Dead sets off on a journey of self discovery while undergoing a complicated maturity transformation. The main take away from this fictional story is that one leap of faith is all you need to set out on a life altering journey.

5. The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin
This book is a part of a trilogy by the most famous Chinese science fiction writer. Liu’s smooth management of various plot elements set up the convoluted action placed in the future, integrating aliens, space and military operations into a story that everybody will surely enjoy reading. This book revolves around the themes of technology, morality, and human affairs.

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