India has a rich heritage when it comes to music. The country has given some great musicians to the world. But still, it is not preferred as a full-time career option for most people in India. Most of the students that are pursuing their undergraduate or postgraduate degrees from music end up being music teachers or just starting a small venture of their own.
There are a lot of contributing factors for people not taking music as a full-time career option and here we will discuss some major of them.
1. Lack of Opportunities:
Lack of proper awareness and a limited number of opportunities discourage students from taking music as a full-time career option. Jyotishka Dasgupta, who is the president of the Calcutta School of Music, says that “government has not provided due recognition to music. Classical music has never been added to the school curriculum and has always been regarded as a co-curricular activity.

Also, parents still give more importance to traditional academics and they don’t find pride in calling their children a musician rather than a doctor or an engineer”. He also added that, “students studying music in India are not given some extra credits in their academic as done is some foreign universities. The thing will only change when the musicians will start getting the respect and the earnings they deserve”.
2. Music is still seen as a hobby:
The idea that music can also be a career option has still not found its way inside the minds of Indian parents. Although the involvement of the Indian crowd in western music has risen rapidly since the past few years, parents still see music as a hobby or passion rather than something that you can earn from.

Various music schools across the country are trying their best to bring a change in this mindset by conducting various workshops, open houses, and even counseling sessions for parents of kids who are ambitious in pursuing music.
3. Technology dependent
Trends in music have been changing quite rapidly in the last few years. The evolvement of technology has a big role in shaping the thought process of the youth. But natural dynamic music has its own value and importance. Creative subjects and careers in music and arts have always been challenging. Forming a music band and composition of music has become relatively become easy today than it would have been a few decades ago. But the future of technological development in the music industry is still unknown and hence some amount of risk in taking it as a career option.

There is a realm of possibilities in the future for a person who wants to be a musician, but only if he remains sensitive to what it is that makes him thrive as a musician, and what things bring out the best from the person.
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