The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has announced a one-year diploma course for the training of professionals in guidance and counselling. Candidates can apply online at The last date for submission of the online application form is November 5, 2021.

The course will be a mixture of both distance and face-to-face modes. The course aims at enhancing the skills and competencies of teachers to promote the holistic development of students and handle their academic, socio-emotional, and ethical problems.
Teachers, educators, school administrators and untrained guidance personnel from India can apply for the course. The course will be transacted in three phases, i.e. distance (six months; January–June 2022), face-to-face contact programme at respective study centres (three months; July–September 2022), and internship in home town/workplace (three months; October–December 2022).
Applicants will have to attach self-attested copies of marks/grade sheets/degrees/certificates in support of qualifications and work experience with the application form.
“The increasing complexities and stresses of modern-day living, everyday reports of lack of interest in studies, low achievement, truancy, aggression, behavioural problems, suicide, drug abuse and the like call for the provision of guidance and counselling for children and youth in schools. Teachers and other school personnel need to equip themselves with helping skills to promote students’ personal, social, educational, career development and adjustment throughout the school years. This, however, requires professional orientation and training,” NCERT said.

Admission to eligible candidates will be offered at DEPFE, NCERT, New Delhi and regional institutes of education at Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Mysuru and Shillong. A total of 50 seats will be available at each centre.
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