An institution shapes and builds a child’s character, good schooling is the key to instilling in children the most basic human values into transforming them to be better people in the future and be useful to those in need, good schooling is not just being a bright kid and good at academics or doing extraordinarily well in sports or in your extracurriculars but school education has a larger perspective and it encapsulates all that a human should be made of, composed of social and emotional values.
Apart from building a fine career to secure a good life for your future, character building is the key for the long run, which will keep you consistent and help you to move forward in life.
How do schools imbibe a good character in their students?
Schools are the first social environment a child gets introduced to and thus provide a good opportunity for character building.
Every school should provide an atmosphere which is positive and full of kindness introducing young kids to a healthy is the first institutions should take in order for giving a good character to their children.
Teachers always come out as role models for young kids outside the walls of their homes in which they grow up looking up to their parents, teachers come second to them, and students always notice their teacher’s behaviours of how they conduct themselves in the classroom and how they respond to a kid personally.

There have been stated six pillars of character building which include:-
- Trustworthiness
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Caring
- Fairness
- Citizenship
Character building can also be done calculatingly and strategically, it can be planned and executed in the form of activities, to make young kids learn about the idea of sharing some schools conduct “community lunch” where they are supposed to exchange their tiffins or share with other people as it will also help them build friendships inside the classrooms, teachers also opt for bulletin board creativity to enrich a child’s imagination and provide some valuable lessons in the form of art, competitions like slogan writing or poetry are organized to make students write down ideas they believe in or if they don’t believe in any they are suggested to read books that would make them a certain thought or belief.
Own a respectful tone.
Teachers are the builders of a good ambience inside the class and as a teacher one should maintain a calm and positive aura for young kids, they should assign rules that won’t make the children rigid against it and they would respect them without any resistance in that case you can ask students themselves to suggest some helpful rules and praise them when they perform good or exhibit good behaviours towards others to encourage them and boost their confidence, be an example to your students and a positive role model that they believe your doings and trust what you do is right and needs to be done that way, do your work on time so that they realise that it is a good trait to own.

Choose appropriate role models for them.
In a world which is virtual and is eaten up by technology, everyone has the freedom to view what they want and children too quickly get addicted to their gadgets so they can pick a role model and worship whoever they want so you need to make class discussions where they discuss about the people they look up to and you should too state them examples of good public figures from history or from the present time in various fields from literature, history, arts and science so they can have various factors to resonate with them, you can ask them to dramatize them in classrooms in a fictional story.
Create an atmosphere of respect.
You should maintain a good space for respect in your classroom and teach them the importance of knowing their boundaries with each other and teach them that it is as much important to respect their peers as it is to respect their teacher and that respect comes from gender or age but how well you have taught to be respectful no matter whoever the person is in front of them.
Various institutions have different approaches towards enriching their students with good character traits and that presents us with new ways to learn and create a similar environment around them to grow and uplift so that we create a decent future for them and for ourselves too.
Institutions are the first place a child gets to taste success, failures, good manners and bad behaviours and human emotions like compassion, jealousy, good feelings for others and great friendships built on trust and support, if a human gets familiar with all these things for the very first time in his life then it must be of value as the child will cherish and take these lessons to the life he is going to live further.