How to Increase your Intelligence, Creativity and IQ


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You’re probably not aware of it, but every day you are bombarded with a steady stream of information. It can be difficult to keep up and stay informed. But what if there was a way you could cut through the noise and tap into the information that matters?

An increase in your intelligence, cognitive skills, and IQ is something that everyone dreams of. You don’t have to put your brain under pressure or take risky supplements to unlock your full potential. You just need a few simple changes in the way you approach life.

As an adult, you already know how important it is to continue learning new things. You may even be starting to see results from these changes as some studies show that adults who took tests in childhood were more likely to take tests as adults.

Spend more time in nature

One of the smartest things you can do for your brain spends time in nature. Nature allows your brain to engage in “unplugged” activities without any distractions. Nature is the perfect opportunity to increase focus and attention. In the city, nature can act as a buffer for technology.

When you spend time in nature, you reduce the amount of blue light that your eyes receive. This helps improve sleep (which is especially important for those with ADHD) and decreases the amount of dopamine received by your brain. As we age, too much dopamine can negatively affect cognitive skills and IQ. Spending time in nature can also help reduce stress and anxiety.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise not only boosts your mood but can also help you increase your intelligence and IQ. Vitamin B12 is something that is often overlooked when it comes to cognitive abilities.

B12 is required for the production of DNA. DNA is what enables your brain to expand, so the more of it you have in your brain, the smarter you’ll be. In addition to a healthy diet, there are other ways to get B12 into your system. You can take a high-quality multivitamin that contains B12. You can also get it from food sources such as fish, eggs, and of course, meat.

Don’t multitask

Multitasking may seem like a good way to save time, but it is a burden. We are constantly breaking down our brain cells and making new connections. The more tasks you put in front of your brain, the more you’re going to tire it out. When we multitask, we are letting go of cognitive abilities.

Studies have shown that it takes your brain around 23 times as much energy to do two things at once as it does to do one thing. If you are constantly putting your brain under pressure, it is only going to get worse over time.

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Try new things

Nothing is off-limits. Try new things, take risks, and push the boundaries. The more you expand your mind, the more you’ll unlock inside yourself. From a young age, we are taught that we should stay within the box. But, at some point, you have to let go of that and try new things.

If you have been doing the same things your entire life, then it is time to break out of your comfort zone. There is a lot of value in trying new things. It teaches us about ourselves and life. It also helps us to develop confidence, as we may not be good at everything. But, if we put in the time and effort, we will improve and we will become more confident.

Keep a daily diary

Diaries can be used for many different things, but one of the best uses for a diary is to document your thoughts and experiences. If you are having a bad day or your mind is going in a certain direction, you can journal entries to help you get back on track.

What you write down can be used as a form of self-therapy. It can also be used to help others by giving them advice or insights on certain situations. Daily journals can help you to be more creative, improve your vocabulary and open up new ideas. If you are looking for an activity that can be used to boost your creativity, then a journal is a great way to do so.

Eat healthily (and if you need to, learn when to eat carbs)

We are all different, but some foods seem to be important for cognitive health. For example, foods high in vitamin B6 can help to regulate the level of dopamine in your brain. So, what should you be eating? That depends on your age, gender, and diet.

Overall, though, healthy adults should get at least ½ cup of vegetables every day, 3 cups of fruit, 2 cups of beans, 5 cups of whole grains, and 2 cups of dairy products, like milk and yogurt. A diet high in vegetables and fruit can help to improve your cognitive abilities.

Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals that your body needs for proper brain function. In addition to helping with mental focus, vegetables contain fiber that helps to cleanse your body and brain of toxins and impurities.

Source: Google Images

Practice mindfulness and take breaks

Mindfulness is something that can be practiced. It is simply being present and focused on the moment. When you are mindful, you are not allowing your mind to wander. The key is to keep a negative thought from circling your head. When you are mindful, you simply focus on breathing in and out, and on your thoughts. You can also focus on your surroundings, such as the sights, sounds, or anything else you notice.

A mindfulness challenge can help you become more mindful in your daily life. Try taking a few minutes each day to focus on one thing. For example, focus on breathing while counting to three or focus on your hands while you finger paint.


Of course, intelligence and IQ are just numbers. You are more than your numbers. However, they can be a great indicator of how healthy your brain is and how well you will perform in certain scenarios. As you can see, there are many ways you can increase your IQ.

The best way is to simply make small changes in the way you live. These changes will help you to be healthier mentally and physically. They will also help you to have a better quality of life.